Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zones

Let’s face it, there will always be things we fear in life. Some of us fear the obvious “biggies” like heights, spiders, fires or flying. However, many of us develop fears around things that shouldn’t hinder us, but often do. Do you fear rejection? Taking risks? Failure? Success?

All of us have the tendency to form “comfort zones” around ourselves: boundaries between what makes us feel comfortable, and uncomfortable. Comfort zones are not always bad. Sometimes they can pre…

Dare To Be Different

There are many forms of conformity out in the big wide world; subtle expectations and pressures that create environments and communities which conform to ‘acceptable patterns of appearance and behaviour.
However success and notoriety come to those who stand out from the rest by their creativity, uniqueness and ability to stand out from the crowd

Finish Strong

As we approach the end of the year, we tend to rush forward full speed ahead. With holiday madness and other tasks that need to be done by the end of the year, who has time to neatly tie a ribbon around the last 12 months and call it a wrap? However, finishing strong may be just the thing you need to do to create a strong start for the new year.

Keep Playing

Ever wonder about the sheer amount of creation, beauty, joy, and passion that is missing in this world each day because so many people have abandoned their passions and joy for the much more “important” and “serious” business of life?

Look Where You Want to Go

Your energy flows to the very thing you focus on. So, in your life and business would you rather fall into the potholes or cruise along on the open road? Learn how to look where you want to go by reading more….

Time: Do You Spend or Invest It?

Time is our greatest and most precious asset. Time is the great equalizer of all us human beings. Why then do we not recognize and treat it with the respect it deserves?

Hold on to your Dreams

How many times have you abandoned an idea, project or dream because someone made a disparaging remark? Read how 9 famous people chose to pursue their dreams.

What’s Your Excuse?

Let’s say there is something you really want to do. It can be something big or something small. The key point is it is something you’ve been saying you want to do for a period of time but haven’t gotten around to doing it. It’s a pattern. To the point that you flow right into your list of excuses without even thinking about it. Don’t let excuses stop you from living your best life. Learn how to bust out of them by reading more…

The Courage to Say Yes

In a culture full of reasons to say “no,” it takes a lot of courage to find ways to say “yes.”

Are You Doing What You Love?

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. –Albert Schweitzer (1875 – 1965)

We are busier than we have ever been, working long hours and feeling under more and more pressure. How do you spend your days? For many people work and pleasure are seen as separate, with work being a chore that has to be done to pay the bills. It doesn’t always have to be like that. Although we don’t have to love …