Crab Comforts

Crabs are among the most succulent and delicious seafood eaten today. Whole crabs, crab legs, crab cakes, alaskan crabs, stone crabs, and even other tiny crabs are served across the nation. Some like it with sauce, others are contented to steam it and pick the meat out. More adventurous people would include crabs in soups, salads, and even sandwiches. Crab cakes and crab fritters are also popular choices. Crabs are even included in pasta sauces and omelettes.

But before ma…

Blue Crabs Get No Respect

Thank goodness for the lowly blue crab.

What would our epicurean lives be without this deliciously savory crustacean. Yet often they do not get the respect they deserve.

These small bluish crustaceans are harvested from the mid Atlantic region crab fishery in Chesapeake Bay to Florida and along the Gulf states as far west as Texas. In its scientific name, calli is Greek for “beautiful”, nectes for “swimmer”, and sapidus is Latin for “savory”.

Most crabs, except the …