Why Haven’t I Created The Life I Want?

One of the most amazing things about being human is that every dream or creation leads us to want to dream bigger, or to create a bigger dream than the ones we had before.

One of the main reasons why your life looks the way it does right now is YOU WEREN’T SPECIFIC ENOUGH. Thought you’d never have to hear that again, right? And so we got a version of what we wanted, but it wasn’t the complete version. See, we spend a lot of time looking at what we don’t want, but very lit…

Learn To Live A Powerful Life

“Logical thinking is the worst kind of thinking. Rational thinking is limited. You need exactly the kind of thoughts that does not look at the rational obvious. You need to think with a vision that sees the obvious without logical limitations or restrictions.”

KABBALAH OF LOVE II: The Secret Power of Ego

We all long for love, but the defensive reactions of the ego often get in the way. But your ego plays a very positive role in your life as well. Once you learn the secret of ego and its role in Creation it will stop getting in your way and become your biggest ally in your journey through life.

Dare To Be Yourself, There’s Nobody Like You

There’s no need for you to imitate anybody else; they already exist. It would be a big waste of time trying to be someone else. You are at your best being yourself! The world needs you as you are, exactly as you are! Dare to be yourself. The more you dare to be yourself, the more freedom you will feel. The more freedom you feel, the more you will dare. Daring and freedom support each other to re-create your unique self in an ever expanding celebration of Life. Your life.

Stay Strong You Can Make It

We all go through pressures in life. We can not, however, just lay down and quit. We say when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Diamonds are formed by pressure and force. Are you under pressure? Let it make you into a diamond.

Be Happy!–For Happiness Universe and Life were Created Against Impossible Odds

To be happy is our prime duty because universe and life were created against impossible odds for our happiness. If after the big bang the rate of expansion of the universe was little slow or fast, if the size and distance or quality of its radiation was little difference, if the electrical charge of electrons and protons was not equal and opposite, the universe and life could not have begin and survived.

Use The Power Of Your Thoughts

We have been created to live our life in freedom, health and wealth. If our life doesn’t look like that, it means we block ourselves by our thoughts. Our thoughts are very powerful instruments we use to either create happiness and wealth, or sickness and poverty.
If your life doesn’t look like what you’re dreaming of, it means you have thoughts which go against you. Your thoughts create your life. If you want to change your life, change first your thoughts.

You Get What You Ask For

In life we get what we ask for. Everything starts with a thought. A thought is an energy. Energy wants to manifest itself. A lot of thoughts in the same direction will, that’s for sure, manifest in the real world. This is the process of creation. Start thinking positive thoughts. Think only thoughts you wish to see happen in real life. Think only what you want to become true.

Using Conscious Creation To Improve Your Life

You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Idle hands are the devil’s tools” — meaning if you don’t have something to keep you busy, you’re likely to get into trouble. That can be argued of course, since the intent to cause trouble probably has to be present also.

However, the concept itself does hold some truth regarding what we create in our lives. If it’s true that we get back what we put out (into the universe), then it’s easy to see why “idle hands” would be a bad thing for …