The secret marketing weapon : articles

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills back. With modern communication technology
comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites
and converting them into buyers.

Exactly What to Say When Asked, “How Much Do You Charge?”

What do you say when a potential clients asks, “How much do you charge?” Most mess up at this crucial point and lose the client before the relationship even starts. Find out how to handle this common question that is so commonly answered badly.

Stop Charging by the Hour and Make More Money as a Creative Professional

One of the biggest challenges with a creative business is getting paid what you are worth. The root of the problem isn’t that the client doesn’t have the money and it isn’t that the client isn’t willing to pay you what you are worth. Find out how to set fees and charge accordingly.

How to reap the awards from corporate events

Holding a successful corporate event can have many benefits, from the obvious, such as team building and problem solving, to the not so obvious, such as increased productivity and morale. But what is the best way to go about this sometimes daunting task?

Machine Embroidery Designs Enhance Wearables & Crafts

Looking for a new way to add decorative touches to your ready-to-wear items or crafts? Author describes how to begin researching machine embroidery and what types of machine embroidery designs are available. Explore how to change thread colors and fabrics to make designs more versatile. Even use machine embroidery to create a home business.