Building sales can be a day at the beach if you do it right

You’ve put a lot of work into your business, but finding new customers is still a pain. The solution is to create systems that work over and over again to fill the pipeline with prospects and convert more of them to customers. If you’re ready attract more customers, boost sales and save enough time to take a well-needed break, read on.

Customer Focus Teams

To be more responsive to customer needs, emphasise customer satisfaction, develop closer relationships with their customers and flatten the management structure some companies have adopted Customer Teams or Customer Focus Teams. These are cross-functional, customer focused teams exist to provide customers a ‘one-stop shopping’ service.

Teams have complete ownership of their accounts, with each team empowered to decide how to work with each of their customers and bring toge…

Newsletter pain or pleasure?

A newsletter can help you keep connected with hundreds of clients and contribute to loyalty, referrals, and depth of relationship. Many newsletters are recycled or deleted before they’re read. What makes the difference?

This is the story of Lynne and Dave.

The real story of Lynne and Dave – different investment advisors and newsletter strategies. Different results. By Glenn Harrington of the Harrington Newsletter Co.

Customer Relationship Management

Changing consumer attitudes are driving Customer Relationship Management. Fuelled by Internet induced expectations and an even increasing mood of self reliance among customers, companies have to compete in an environment where communication, buying processes, data management, delivery and service are all-important in the battle for longterm, profitable relationships.

Customers now require:

– Control over the buying process (information, comparison,
selection, easy to f…

Mobile CRM – It’s Here Now

Today’s workforce is truly mobile. Most of us now work at the office, from home and on the road. ‘On demand access’ to critical customer information from anywhere is becoming a ‘must have’ facility.

Now customers demand CRM access using a remote desktop or laptop accessing data through the Internet or on a handheld device. Suppliers are expected to have all the information at their fingertips at the moment of interaction. The same insight into their business and affairs ar…

Top Tips For CRM

Putting the customer right at the centre of the organization is the be-all and end-all of successful Customer Relationship Management (CRM). To do that you have to know what your customers really want and really think about your business and then use that to deliver better products and services, improve customer service and increase sales opportunities – yes CRM has a purpose it is not just a concept!

Companies that invest in CRM systems can learn even more about their cus…