What’s Better Than Plastic Surgery?
Better than plastic surgery
Joni Mitchell has a song, “Happiness is the best facelift”, but curiosity is an equally effective anti-aging device. If you want to stay youthful and energetic, consider the role of curiosity in your life. As kids, many of us were not encouraged to be curious: “Remember, curiosity killed the cat”, my grandma told me when I asked too many questions. At the time (age 5) I shut up and obeyed her, but I wish I had replied with, “But Grandma, I’ll be…
Dare to Achieve and Discover a Daring New You
Forget Christmas, the New Year is fast approaching and with it comes another 12 months of doing what you’ve always done. Now I’m not sure about you but I know that next year will be different for me.
Being a Continuous Learner
Continuous learning is an attitude and a set of behaviors that allow us to succeed in our ever-changing environment, and is the best lever we have to turn who we are today into who we want to be tomorrow.