7 Positive Ways to Turn Complaints into Assets

It’s difficult to reach your business goals if you don’t have the right materials and/or the information to help your business reach the success it’s capable of. These seven helpful suggestions will boost your business to new levels.

Customer as Emperor

From Japan comes the tradition of oshibori. Oshibori is the Japanese word for the rolled up hot towel you receive after eating at an authentic Japanese restaurant or at the conclusion of an international flight. If you have never experienced a hot towel after a long flight, it is as close as you can get to a refreshing shower in the comfort of your seat with all your clothes on. What does it have to do with growing your business? It’s remarkable.

Modified Animal Meat and Online Surveys

Some companies have experienced damaging rumors. One way to get back on your feet is through the use of online surveys. With the help of online surveys you can gain insight that will help you recover from damage to your public image.

Why Bother With Distributed Leadership?

I’m an alumni of Boston University Graduate School of Business, so I receive the Alumni magazine Bostonia. To be honest, that doesn’t mean I read it faithfully at all. But this issue was different. George Labovitz, a professor in organizational behavior at the school wrote an article recently on his research into the application of alignment to achieve extraordinary results in organizations.

He caught me with the first sentence: “More than thirty years of research has sho…

Four Sure-Fire Ways to Keep Your Customers Happy

It’s difficult to reach your buisness goals if you don’t have the right materials and/or the information to help your buisness reach the success it’s capable of. These four competitive marketing strategies is the information needed to produce an extremely successful buisness.