Marketing Success – How to get over that first hill and start making some real money!

If you’re like a lot of newbie marketers you have heaps of great marketing ideas all the time. Problem is they just seem to fade into nothing without you ever doing a thing about them, Am I right? After a week you have forgotten all about that great new idea or you have that lingering annoying thought in your mind that you have let another great idea turn into nothing.
I mean, who knows if they’re actually great ideas to start with, but the problem is you will never know. Here are a few tips that will help you get over that hill and finally start putting your ideas into action.

5 Action Ideas to Deal with Difficult People

Do you find it stressful dealing with difficult people? This article provides five simple steps that will show you how to deal with difficult customers, colleagues, or your boss!

Can’t get the staff? Part One

Tips and techniques for finding and hiring great people for your business, even in a tight market of almost full employment. Find your way through red tape and legislation to employ the best people and get them involved in your business success.

Promoting Relationships With the Public

Public Relations or “PR” is one of the most important factors in how you are perceived by the public at large. It is the relationship between your business and your customers, past customers, community and potential customers.

Who’s the First Person to Greet Your Customer?

Ralph Waldo Emerson said “Life is not so short but that there is always time enough for courtesy.” I spent an interesting hour at the dentist’s office yesterday and the time actually flew. I found it fascinating and almost entertaining watching the young woman at the front desk. I guess I’m accustomed to being greeted by a receptionist with a smile and an attitude that conveys ‘thanks for coming to see us, not them’.

How Well Do Your Customers Know YOU?

Know your customer, know your customer, know your customer. Three very important rules of business. But let me ask you this: How well do your customers know YOU?