If I’m Not Satisfied, What Do I Want?

Customer service is all about the customer. As business owners or employees, we have all at one time or another had to deal with an upset customer. What happens when the upset customer is us?

Listen to Suggestions

As a customer of any service or product – how do you feel when your Email is ignored, your voice mail message is never answered, and you don’t get any feedback or concern, at all, from customer service? We all feel the same – nobody likes to be ignored. The shame of all this is that customer service is getting worse on a global scale.

The Customer Is Sometimes Always Right?

Somehow, this philosophy/policy of, “The customer is always right” has been branded into the consumer’s psyche and repeatedly shoved in the face of business owners, managers, and employees. When was the last time you really took a look at this philosophy and considered all the ramifications?

Successful Business Relationships

Build your business relationships — and your future — by focusing on these critical elements of Value, Competence, Trust, and Propriety.

Unlocking the Value of Your Customers

One of the greatest thrills in business is acquiring a new customer. Many businesses are too caught up in the excitement of acquiring new customers that they do not spend enough time or money on unlocking the value of their existing customer base.

Death Of A Salesman? It’s What Happens When The Customer Says “I’ll Think It Over!”

Michael Jordan said “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it”

You have given a great presentation, you ask for the order and the customer says he‘s going to think it over. This was the moment I felt was the last straw. I’d had it! I don’t want to sell anymore; I’m going back to bookkeeping! So, without a care in mind I said whatever came to mind and it worked! Let …