Bush Using Darfur, Aids To Salvage Failed Presidency

Rap Artist Kanye West had this to say: “George Bush doesn’t care about black people!” — Said during a Hurricane Katrina telethon.

After the Katrina disaster many polls indicated that large majorities of blacks believed that the federal response to Hurricane Katrina would have been considerably speedier had those trapped in New Orleans been rich and white, and that the slow response was an indication of continuing racial inequity in this country.

Most whites disagreed….

The Luxury Of Hopelessness

I had a very busy day. I’m sure you understand–food to buy and cook, laundry to clean, clients to see, money to earn. So when I received two emails each from Amnesty International and the International Rescue Committee imploring me to contact my senators and urge them to support sending UN peacekeeping forces to Darfur, rather than call I felt annoyed, put out, guilted.

And then I thought for a moment. Here are millions of people suffering unspeakable horrors and this is …