So She Stood You Up…

Have you ever had this experience? You finally found the nerve to ask that “special girl” out on a date to dinner and a movie. Without even hesitating she gave you a nervous “yes!”. Perhaps you even talked further on the phone and felt that you two clicked well. The date was planned and finally comes Saturday night. You are all decked out in your best shirt, nice shoes, with money to spend, and waiting at the agreed restaurant meeting place.

About 30 minutes goes by and y…

Ten Signs Of A Serious Relationship

When you are with someone you really care about, how can you tell if that person is the one for you? How can you find out where your relationship stands? Are there any clues that could tell you if the relationship will lead into marriage?

Perhaps you are at the stage where you feel that you are ready to settle down and would like to know if the relationship is going anywhere. How do you find out if the person you are with is as committed to you as you are to him/her?

Women! Get More Love By Giving Less.

Any woman can attract a better quality man or inspire the man she has to give her more love, affection and romance, by learning the truth about Overnurturing.

What is Overnurturing? It’s doing too much in a relationship. Giving too much. It’s the reverse of how a relationship works best for a woman.Giving is what men are supposed to do. Women are supposed to receive the love, affection and gifts that men give, and then give love and affection back to them. Though many of …

How to deal with a spouse suffering from ADHD

It is believed that people with common interest gel well. But what about those who suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)? How do they deal with their spouse who is normal and vice versa?

Choosing an Online Dating Site

Online dating is a way that you may be able to expand the pool of potential relationship opportunities. Here are some tips on choosing the right one for you.

College Dating

Hello everyone!

College dating seems to be very important in the span of someone’s life, whether it be the list of people they hooked up with or the person they married. I know more friends who coupled up and stayed coupled while meeting in college. I just graduated from Bentley College near Boston, MA and I realize the potential for success by finding your true love in College.

My story begins as a sophomore in college. I’m living in a suite room with 7 other guys, I k…

Dating – How to WIN Love

Love plays an important role in our lives. It is not about just loving somebody. It is much more than that. It’s all about sharing the finer feelings of life. Various researches have also shown that a good love life keeps you healthy. So what should you do make your LOVE happen. Read

Dating – What Do Men & Women Find Irresistible in Each Other?

Consider this amazing fact. In mathematical terms men have evolved to find a woman waist to hip ratio is about .7 as most attractive to them. In other words, divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement and the resulting number is between .6 and .8. A man will almost certainly find that woman instantly attractive. And What women find irresistible in men?

Dating Advice: 5 Biggest Internet Dating Mistakes

Dating after a divorce is tough. Let’s face it internet dating anytime is a minefield. You don’t quite know where to start so here are a few internet dating mistakes and their solutions. Remember you don’t have to do this alone.