5 Ways To Numb The Financial Pain Of Divorce

Whether it comes before or after the papers are signed, economic hardship is all too familiar to many couples who divorce. Following a few financial guidelines can ease the burden during this difficult time.

Each year, 1 million Americans divorce. More than 80 percent of divorcing couples cite “debt and financial distress” as the primary factor in the dissolution of their marriages, according to an American Bar Association survey, and studies find that most families suffer…

How Do You View Your Debt?

How Do You View Your Debt?

Are you loaded down with debt? Do you feel like there is no way out? Have you ever thought that how you view debt might be the problem?

Every aspect of your life, at some point, you wanted. You say “I didn’t want the debt”, but you wanted the thing that came along with the debt, or whatever you exchanged for the debt; maybe it was a house, the car or the car repairs, the clothes.

Debt was just a way to live a certain dream – a means to an…

What Are Your Debts?

This is a time of year when many people take stock of all that they are grateful for — or at least when we should do so. But this should also be a time when we take stock of all those people who contributed to those gifts — especially the intangible ones. Those gifts such as our self-esteem or confidence, our love of sports or music, and our spine. What person or group do you owe the greatest debt? Was there a special person or group that really helped you become the person you are today?

What Was The Best Part Of Your Day?

More than crafting picture frames and holiday scarves we are crafting memories that I hope he will cherish his whole life. And I hope that I am teaching him that gifts from the heart mean much more than gifts from the wallet.

Achieve Your Goals By Doing Something About Them

The title of this article sounds simplistic but it is amazing how often people (including me) sit staring at a problem like mounting paperwork and become so depressed by the thought of all the work to be done that they do nothing and continue in a paralytic state for days and even months!

The article aims to cheer such people up by the fact that they are not the only ones to be paralyzed by their mounting tasks. It also offers one or two solutions to the problem.

Feeling Hopeless

Letter from a reader who was feeling ‘hopeless’ and the response that contained a useful tool for getting clarity, focus and raising your vibration–the T-tool.