5 Ways To Numb The Financial Pain Of Divorce

Whether it comes before or after the papers are signed, economic hardship is all too familiar to many couples who divorce. Following a few financial guidelines can ease the burden during this difficult time.

Each year, 1 million Americans divorce. More than 80 percent of divorcing couples cite “debt and financial distress” as the primary factor in the dissolution of their marriages, according to an American Bar Association survey, and studies find that most families suffer…

How Can I Get Out Of Debt?

More often than not, when people take out credit, they believe they are in a good financial position to keep up the monthly repayments on their borrowings, but what happens when something goes wrong and we find ourselves in a difficult debt situation?

Rent-to-Own at Three Times the Price

Rent-to-own may sound convenient, but if you check the math you will see that it is really just an expensive way to buy. If you aren’t excited by 200% interest, you may wish to find another way to buy your furniture.

Debt Management Finding Hope

Debt is a four-letter word that puts us on parole for the rest of our lives. The cost of living alone is so demanding that debt mounts, mounts, mounts, and breaks us with each heaping rise. We have to pay folding money, pay for apparel, food, gasoline, Uncle Sam fees, rent, installment credit, car payments, institution, etc, that sometimes it is next to impossible not to find yourself humming this four-letter word.

Debt Help – Using Online Debt Management Services

Choosing to eliminate your consumer debt is the best financial decision you can make. Having excessive debt is the cause for much worry and stress. In order to free themselves from this huge burden, many consumers acquire debt consolidation loans. Unfortunately, getting a loan to consolidate debt requires a good credit rating, homeownership, or collateral. If you do not meet the criteria for obtaining a loan, online debt management services may be the way out.

What are Deb…

Buying a Car and Saving Money

Buying a car can be done fairly affordably if you do your homework ahead of time. Otherwise, you could be spending unnecessary money.

Unwrapping Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy is a choice many consider when faced with unmanageable multiple debts. But finance experts agree that declaring oneself bankrupt should be an indebted individual’s last resort to meet his dues. It may free a person’s mind from the pressure of paying his debts but it can also seriously damage the person’s morale and credit history for a long time. Aside from this, people who declared themselves bankrupt are often met with hostility by the people around them. But as …