A Solid Decision – Right-Brain Decision-Making Or Left-Brain Decision-Making

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Nightly for many years I lay in my lonely marriage bed and fantasized about what I called “running away from home.” I could never quite see how I’d do it. To keep thinking about it seemed to relieve the pressure of my daily struggle but still no action for 15 years.

Now I realize that my biggest moment of power was when…

Are You Wishing For Something? Stop! The More You Wish- The More You Might Not Get It

Are You Ready For Change In Your Life?

When you are willing to set goals, your motivation becomes more focused and less confused in everyday interactions. Setting goals and designing your dreams and aspirations is a commitment to participate in a dynamic relationship and interaction between yourself and others. Committing yourself to be in a relationship with others helps to create an environment of self-support. The “willingness” to define your goals and aspirations provi…

Successful Decision-making Process

Decision-making seems like it should be a simple process, but sometimes we can find ourselves vacillating back and forth between one or more choices, truly unable to make a solid decision.

One of the things that makes decision-making so unnerving is the fear of making a wrong move. We may hesitate about making any kind of decision because we’re not sure of what the outcome will be. We get mired in “what ifs,” paralyzed by fears of what could go wrong. We worry that choosi…

The High Cost of Doing Nothing

Delaying important decisions or simply not making a decision at all, are actions that often impact us with the highest opportunity costs. The lack of a decision, is actually a decision made, although one seldom made in our best interests.

Decision making is actually a skill set that can be learned and refined. Do not allow yourself to fall victim to the high cost of doing nothing.

So You Have Problems

Get all the facts.
Describe the problem in detail.
List all the possible solutions.
List the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Detail what you will do.
Follow through.

You Can’t Do Everything First

My granddaddy ran one of the biggest plumbing shops in his town, and when he’d spy one of his men dithering over what to do next, he’d simply say, “Son, you can’t do everything first.” And neither can you or I. If all your options are good, then it doesn’t really matter which one you choose first. Throw a dart if you have to, but move. Make a decision. Get yourself into motion.

What To Do? Life’s Big Question

You’re at the crossroads again. You’ve made mistakes and now it is harder to choose. Fear has you in it’s grip, you don’t know which choice is best. Well, come and trust who you are and come back to your origins to discover your ability to choose powerfully.

Can you believe what people say about their wants and wishes? (Part I)

One of the most common objectives of market research is to find the customers wants and wishes, or their hot buttons. But what if traditional market research identifies the wrong hot buttons? What if conventional market research singles out hot buttons that freeze your fingers? What if standard market research uses malfunctioning thermometers? A recent study by Professors Dan Horsky, Paul Nelson, and Steven S. Posavac published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology examined this possibility.

Trusting Your Inner Guidance

When we begin to feel lost or confused about various aspects of our lives, our first instinct is to search for direction. We feel sure that the answers we need are out there somewhere, and finding them will help us to know the right way to turn.

While seeking advice and guidance from others can be helpful at times, it is not always the best way to help ourselves. Rather than relying on someone else to tell us our truth, we can instead choose to look within and find the ans…