Great Expectations?

We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives but it also represents what we are willing to settle for. Expectation is a very powerful emotion and one that very few people ever learn to fully cultivate.

Does The Law Of Attraction Really Work?

Most people are not aware of the power of thought or dismiss the Law of Attraction as a myth. Nothing could be further from the truth: we become what we think about.

Instead Of Waiting, Give It Yourself

If you are like most people, then you too have this strange tendency to wait for others to fill in your needs. This pattern of “waiting for others” is a bad habit, causing a lot of pain and stress in your relationships. It can even be fatal and needlessly ruin a relationship!
Reason enough to take a closer look at this habit and learn how to handle it.

Manifestation is Absolutely Real

The process of manifestation has existed since the dawn of humankind. Its power is absolute, and if you learn to manifest properly, all you desire is yours to receive.

To Focus Or Not To Focus

Being able to focus, but not over-focus whereby you are causing resistance to allowing the Law of Attraction to deliver.

What Good Is A Rocket That Fizzles?

‘Rocket of Desire’ is the exhilarating emotion necessary for creating a memory that sustains our hope until the ‘rocket of desire’ becomes our reality.