Success– The Key and the Fire

Self-discipline is a powerful tool that can help you accomplish about anything you can dream or imagine. Self-discipline is the act of controlling our emotions, actions, thoughts, words and personal direction…

Natural Ways For Dealing With Anxiety

Anxiety is a reaction often associated with stress, illness, or even treatment. During an anxiety attack, a person feels overwhelming nervousness, tension, fear, forgetfulness, and panic. Although people experience anxiety as a normal part of life, true anxiety attacks are much different. For instance, if you were interviewing for a new job, you might feel a little anxious or apprehensive but this is different from true anxiety in which the above symptoms take over. If you fi…

Why Fruits And Vegetables Are Important!

No single food can provide all the essential nutrients that the body needs. Therefore, it is important to consume a wide variety of foods to provide adequate intakes of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibre, which are important for health.

8 guidelines for a healthy diet

• Enjoy your food
• Eat a variety of different foods
• Eat the right amount to be a healthy weight
• Eat plenty of foods rich in starch and fibre
• Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
• Don’t eat too…

The Right Vegetables For The Dieter

Opting for vegetables is probably all you’ll ever need to finally have a successful diet. Many find it hard to stick to a diet that requires small portions and what not.

The Maligned Potato: Respect At Last?

Ah, the poor, maligned potato! Beaten up by dieters (especially the low-carb variety), nutritionists and other experts as being “ok in moderation”, the potato may at long last be gaining some respect in the scientific community.

From an article in Science Daily (“Transgenic Potato Confers Immunity: Vegetables Or Fruit Could Replace Vaccine And Needles”), we find that the potato could be used to help keep us health.

We quote from the article:

“Transgenic potatoes eng…

The Food Guide Pyramid

The Food Guide Pyramid is one manner for Americans to read how to eat healthy. A rainbow of colored, vertical stripes stands for the five food groups plus fats and oils. Here is what the colors stand for:

The Dairy Dilemma

There have been new and confusing reports about milk and dairy products in the news lately. The dairy council has come out with a report that three servings a day will help you lose fat and weight. At the same time, another study (not as well publicized) came out saying that children who drink more than three servings of milk a day have more weight problems. On top of that the numbers of lactose intolerant people seem to be rising.

What is the truth about dairy product con…

Mercury Content Of Fish

We all know that adding fish to our diets can help increase our body’s ability to repair itself, as well as its ability to burn body fat and keep our energy up, but it’s important to choose fish that’s also going to improve your health as opposed to silently poisoning you…

Being exposed to too much mercury can cause memory loss, tremors, neurological difficulties, advanced aging, decreased immune functions, and death.

But how is all this mercury getting into our body?

Living On A Fruit Diet

These days everyone seems to be looking for a healthy diet. Why? Because there is too much of stress in our lives as a result of which, lifestyles have changed and so have food habits.