A Reality Check On Your Marketing Strategy
The ‘Marketing Scenario’ is a practical tool designed to help you make sure that you have a winning marketing strategy to support your brand. You will do a reality check on those dreams of success to learn if they make any sense.
Creating Meteoric Successes in Marketing
The Marketing Hits’ Formula and its implementation method allows for marketing innovation that will be accepted with immediate enthusiasm by target consumers and will spread virally.
How Can You Lure Consumers Into Loving Your Brand?
Love for a brand is actually a strong feeling of anticipation for something good, pleasant or beneficial that we believe with great certainty that we will get from the brand. It is the anticipation for good experiences, pleasant sensations or positive emotions.
The 5% That Determine Your Company’s Success
The comforting secret is that you don’t need to be different in everything in order to succeed, only in certain things.
The Best Kept Secret of Successful Differentiation
I am about to reveal to you the unexpectedly simple and wonderful secret of successful differentiation that will not be not imitated by your competitors, even though it will bring you unmistakable success with consumers.
The Eternal Principles for Creating Luxury Brands
Much has been said lately about the changing nature of luxury these days. While some of the proclaimed changes are no more than the result of historical myopia, certain developments are worth noting. Despite all these significant developments, the nature of luxury has remained unchanged in essence.
The New Market Segmentation
The new method is called “Contextual Segmentation” – segmentation according to contexts of purchasing or using/consuming.
The What’s Next? Process for Creating A Winning Competitive Strategy
The new heart of the process is the question “what is possible?”
Three Ways To Start A Conversation And Finish With A Sale
Ditch your elevator pitch. Zap your infomercial. And whatever you do, keep your carefully worded, painstakingly developed, positioning statement to yourself.
They may make you sound clever, but your elevator pitch, infomercial or positioning statement don’t exactly make for good conversations. Which is a shame, because last I checked, even a sales conversation is just that – a conversation.
So what can you say to a prospect sitting across the boardroom table, or someone…