Postcard Marketing Done Right
A Powerful Business Marketing Strategy
Postcards – Picture Perfect Promotion
Aesthetic marketing that brings in more money than you spend
Postcards Versus Catalogues
What do successful cataloguers do when they market?
There is a secret, or so it seems, in the catalogue industry that has not gotten out of the bag yet. Why is it a secret? It is probably not intended to be that way, but it just happens to remain a ‘little-known datum’. So, what’s the secret, you ask!?!?
Successful cataloguers use postcards to market.
You may wonder how they can possibly sell their wares with something as miniscule as a postcard.
Simply and easily…
Postcards Straight To Your Mail
Direct mail postcards are cheap and effective promotional materials for many business owners. Postcards that are carefully and efficiently produced can be more than an advertising tool for a business.
Raise Your Income!
The answer is astonishingly simple
Rising Postal Rates? Don’t Cut Down the Direct Mail
How to market effectively when the postage rates go up
Rules of Thumb for Marketing to Your Past Customers
The Natural Laws of Marketing Applied To Making Money
Stay in Touch with Leads and Get More Closes
How Many Leads Have Come into Your Business That Did Not Close?
The Importance of a Marketing Plan
No Matter Where You Go You Have to Have a Plan
There’s More to Marketing ROI (Return On Investment) than Meets the Eye
The Real Way to Determine Your Marketing Return on Investment