The Purpose Of Life And The Power Of Eve

What is the purpose of your life? Have you ever wondered? Have you ever attended a funeral, touched the lifeless body, listened to the eulogies, and asked yourself, “Why am I alive?” or “What am I doing with myself?” Maybe the questions arrest you when you encounter the limitless expanse of an ocean or the lumbering enormity of a mountain. Nature has that mystical power to lift our inner gaze and cause us to ask big and important questions. Just a brief walk in the woods unde…

The Transformation Of Spiritual Consciousness

This new time in the history of planet Earth is creating a transformation of spiritual consciousness that is a quantum evolutionary leap for all of humanity. In times past, spiritual pursuits, spiritual awareness and spiritual growth we largely separate from the pursuits of ordinary life. In more recent times, spiritual growth has been seen as a path to bring greater healing, and greater ease in one’s physical life. These views of spirituality were partial, related to steps i…

How To Make A Dowsing Pendulum

This article is about making a do-it-yourself (D-I-Y) pendulum for dowsing. If you want to save some money or commercial pendulums are not available for you, you can alway opt to make one yourself.

KABBALAH OF LOVE II: The Secret Power of Ego

We all long for love, but the defensive reactions of the ego often get in the way. But your ego plays a very positive role in your life as well. Once you learn the secret of ego and its role in Creation it will stop getting in your way and become your biggest ally in your journey through life.

The Secret of the Void

There is another, far deeper plane of reality right here with us, another dimension to our lives and ourselves, but we usually don’t sense it for what it is. Instead, we sense it as ‘something missing’, a void. The void can cause us to eat too much, drink too much, strive too much – or it can lead us toward the essence of who we really are and an intensely fulfilling and meaningful life.

What is the Higher Self?

Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self.

Why Is Spiritual Truth So Elusive?

Why is spiritual truth so elusive? I have been pondering hard on this subject for quite sometime. And the article is my thought on this subject.