Cooling Off In The Shadow Of Doubt!

Cooling off in the shadow of doubt!

Can I? Will I be able too? What if I fail? You have the training, skills, and knowledge necessary to accomplish a task or conquer a challenge, but a doubt or a fear of failure keeps you from moving toward your desired outcome. Sound familiar? The Self-Help world is filled with advice and technologies to render every doubt into a certainty. I know of at least a dozen NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and hypnotic techniques that a…

Believing is the Absence of Doubt

For example, if your desire is to attract your ideal client, or your ideal relationship, then you could ask yourself: “Is there anyone on the planet who has attracted their ideal client?”

Yes, there are millions of people on the planet who have attracted their ideal clients.


Fear Not

You can learn to live with your fears, or, you can learn to live your life without any fear. This short but powerful article comes face to face with fears.

3 Simple Keys to Getting Rid of Fear

Fear doesn’t help you, it hinders you. Fear doesn’t get you through an open door; it keeps you in the hallway. Fear never helps you put your best foot forward; it just keeps both of your feet in cement. You can live without fear.

What’s The Opposite Of Doubt?

The Law of Attraction teaches us that whatever you focus on, you will attract MORE of it into your life–whether it’s wanted or unwanted.