Downline Builders: What Are They Good For? Absolutely Somethin’!

Do you belong to a downline builder? Do you even know what a downline builder is and if you do, do you know how they work?

A downline builder carries a list of programs for you to join. The premise is that you will join listed programs and that your sponsor will get credit for you as a referral in all of the programs listed. Then, you will gather your own recruits and get credit for them as referrals in any of the programs they join under you and so on.

Sometimes, down…

Hermits Need Not Apply

Are you too shy to strike up conversations with other people? Hmm… What about email, surely sending someone an email isn’t terribly daunting, right? It is? Well, then you’re in the wrong business. Network marketing means just what it says. You are a network marketer. That means you need to network, and if you don’t do that most important thing, you’ll never succeed.

Traffic exchanges are a good place to start honing the art of becoming a good mentor. In most exchanges, whe…

The Care And Feeding Of Referrals

When someone joins a program under you, what’s the first thing you should do? I can tell you that the wrong answer is “Try to Sell Him or Her Something.” That’s the best way to lose an associate. All people want respect and pouncing on referrals in this way is bound to raise hackles.

Instead, welcome the person to the program. If the site is a little complicated in some way, explain where members usually find rough spots. You can learn these issues by reading the FAQs beca…