Is Freeware Safe? How To Be A Smart Downloader

More and more people are learning about the awesome resource on the Internet known as freeware. Freeware is the shorthand term used to describe free software. Yes, freeware is an amazing resource and I have been an enthusiastic user and promoter since I learned about it years ago.

What I found interesting, though, were the number of people I spoke to about freeware who said that they would never use it because they heard that free software contains viruses. My first though…

Download Anything Now-A-Days!

Can you imagine what we will be downloading in another twenty years? I mean who would have ever thought that you could record sound with digital quality fifty years ago? Now we routinely download whole albums worth of music in a couple of minutes to ipods that hold thousands of songs in the space the size of a zippo lighter!

What I wonder is what will we download in the future? We can get degrees on line now, which means that we are actually downloading our future doesn’t …