Are You Susceptible To Hypnosis?

A person’s susceptibility to hypnosis is dependent on several factors. Whether these factors work together or oppose each other is entirely in the hands of the individual.

There are factors that are outside of anyone’s control. They come down to the individual makeup of each person. For instance, if someone is naturally susceptible to suggestion in their everyday life, they likely will carry along that susceptibility in the hypnosis process as well. Everyone is susceptible…

How To Find A Good Hypnotherapist

When it comes to finding a good hypnotherapist, it’s much the same as anything else. You need to use the resources at your disposal and apply a certain amount of common sense along the way.

As a professional, there’s no greater compliment than a referral. If someone recommends me to another potential client, it’s because they’ve had a good, positive experience in working with me and their therapy has been successful. That’s indicative that I’m doing something right. From t…

Hypnosis – A Case Of Mind Over Matter

The expression mind over matter refers to our mind’s ability to overcome a challenging situation. Giving up smoking, for example, is an ongoing mental battle between wanting a cigarette and equally wanting to resist the craving. The mind has the power to relieve those intense cravings by arming you with the message that you in fact don’t really want a cigarette, and that you’re so much happier without one.

Your intense focus and concentration on those positive thoughts is …

Hypnosis And The Amazing Unconscious Mind

The study of the human mind is an extremely complex, fascinating process of discovery. We know that our mind controls everything we say or do, think or feel. We also know that often times we feel a certain way but we can’t explain why, nor do we have the power to change how we feel even though we want to or know that we should.

Sadness or emotional pain of any kind is not typically a welcome feeling. But often we are powerless to overcome it. Intense mental struggles are …

Hypnosis And The Swinging Watch

The whole idea of eye fixation has some merit. It’s true that concentration and focus are key ingredients in achieving hypnosis. And eye fixation was in fact used commonly, decades ago, in inducing hypnosis. The desired state of a hypnotic subject is to have them completely relaxed, eyes closed, so that their focus is internal, rather than external. To really shut out the external channels, you need to eliminate your visual sense temporarily, your external visual sense that i…

Hypnosis Recordings Vs. The Real Thing

I’m often asked the question “Are self hypnosis recordings really as effective as hypnotherapy with a real live person?” My answer is yes, absolutely.

Certainly, there are significant differences to be found when comparing self hypnosis CDs or downloads to one on one therapy, but they are just that, differences. What one individual considers a benefit may be seen as a drawback to the next person. It really comes down to each person’s natural makeup, which determines what…

Successful Self Hypnosis

It’s important to first acknowledge that hypnosis is a natural state of being, which we all achieve daily without being consciously aware of it or giving it a name. The bridge between being awake and being asleep is what we call hypnosis.

That answers the question of who can achieve hypnosis. We all can, and we all do. But it’s the degree to which we can benefit from this altered state which varies tremendously, as well as the concept of being able to achieve that state at…

The Power Of Hypnosis And The Human Body

The proof of how powerful hypnosis can be, comes in many forms. So much so that certain practices have long since been discontinued on the basis ethics and professionalism.

Some years ago, a fairly common practice in stage hypnosis was to induce a state called the full body catalepsy. In this state, the “subject” experiences a complete rigidity of all the muscle groups in his body. He/she becomes completely stiff, like a piece of wood. As a demonstration, stage hypnotists …

What Hypnosis Can And Cannot Do

When it comes to defining what hypnosis can and cannot do, I can only share with you what I know as fact, first hand, based on my own experience. In my opinion, if hypnosis has any limitations, they will be a direct result of unrealistic expectations.

I have seen hypnosis work in conjunction with traditional medicine. I have seen significantly reduced impact of side effects to certain treatments like chemotherapy. I have seen a reduction in pain, and increased tolerance …

How To Download Legally

There’s nothing innocent about the word “downloading” nowadays. Several years back when Pentium Pro?, Windows 95? and 28.8 kbps modems were the buzzword in the computer world, downloading was just a method for people to get free or trial software (applications, games, documents etc.) off some websit