
Heart occupies a pivotal position in the human body. You may not arrive at any conclusion after attending a highly intellectual discourse,but a simple “I love you,’’will carry a tremendous impact on you. Life is a gift given to man by God and we so much love life—life with its integral part—emotions and feelings. These are important to each one of us, to every life.Without these emotions life would be barren and meaningless. For it is these emotions that make life meaningful or meaningless

Corporate Social Responsibility:By Dr Shanker Adawal

Generating wealth in a manner that is socially and environmentally sustainable must be the common goal of domestic and international business. In this age of open world economy, brand reputation, repositioning of government activities and privatization, it is increasingly important to do business ethically, morally and with concern for the society. Business today are realizing that the world is not made up of strangers. There is bondage- human bondage.