MAYA of the new world – The power of perception and suggestion.
“Maya” although in its real literary translation is illusion – the meaning of “Maya” can be considered to be a state of “apparent reality” – you think and true believe that this is the reality without making an attempt to understand the “actual” reality. And the common belief of an entire population or a group of people on this “apparent reality” makes us believe in the “Maya” of this world. This difference between “actual” and “apparent” is alteration. So what you believe to be true is not true
Being Safe? You’ll Be Sorry!!
Why People Are Afraid To Take Risks & Leave Their Comfort Zones
When we consider actually moving toward our heart’s desire, a part of us automatically looks ahead to the possible consequences – especially the negative ones. Our “comfort zone” glooms onto these negative consequences. The comfort zone argues it’s the actions that will bring on the negative consequences.
The comfort zone’s emotionally backed recommendation: No Action
The comfort zone stays fairly quiet …
Capture Your Dreams
Writing your dreams down can seem like too much of a chore and this is the part where most people fall short in the interpretation process.
In choosing not to write your dreams down, remembered dreams become passing thoughts, or even casual topics of conversation and then forgotten. This is one of the reasons for recurring dreams. The message of the dream is being passed along but not absorbed, so the message is repeated.
You dreams are a wonderful free source of wisdo…
Catching Life’s Thermals On The Feathers Of Intention
The Power of Love
All of us – young or old, poor or rich, salt of the earth or intellectual, battling grave illness or enjoying phenomenal health – all of us want the same things in our lives. We must take care of our survival needs by providing shelter from the elements, food and sustenance for our bodies, and protection from dangers. Because we are social in nature, we need to connect with others in various ways. We need to belong, to be part of something larger than our…
Dreams: A Therapeutic Method Of Healing And Creativity
Dreams are a source of inspiration and creativity that can lead us to a deeper understanding of who we are. They are a way for us to connect with hidden parts of ourselves that may not be easily accessible to us in our conscious, awakened states. Dreams may be explored on many levels, usually with more than one interpretation or meaning. The interplay of symbols within dream images are often metaphors reflecting the dynamic that exists between the various aspects of our psych…
Expressing Gratitude – The Key To Success
Those who are interested in using the power of attraction to their benefit already know they need to be ready to accept what is attracted to their new found positive way of thinking. However, opening your eyes to all the opportunity around you can be difficult, especially if you live a busy life. Really engaging with the process of recognizing and expressing gratitude will allow you to systematically become aware of where all your gifts have come from in the past and, give …
Forcing Your Goals Versus Empowering Your Dreams
Many people understand the concept of setting goals in life to empower themselves. What most people don’t know is that goals require a constant stream of force behind them to keep them alive. In other words, you need to push them all the time to make them come true.What do I mean by force and push? To force something is to compel through pressure or necessity. To push a goal is to apply enough force to the goal to keep it fresh and empowered.
This constant pushing of your …
From Here To There
Last year I was the keynote speaker at a Valentine’s Day luncheon for single mothers with the theme of Dream Again. It was a magical event that left most of us in the room with tears silently streaming down our faces. To top it off, at the end of our time together, Michele Lang, an amazing singer came to the stage and sang her song, “From Here to There.” Her song captured the challenge of deeply desiring to experience God in every area of your life, but feeling tethered by yo…
Garden Of Eden: A Jungle Captive’s Lesson In Dreams Come True
BBC News recently reported the story of horticulturist and orchid collector, Tom Hart Dyke, who was kidnapped in 2000 in the Darien Gap in Panama by Colombian Guerrillas and held hostage for nine months in the South American jungle. He was on a plant collecting expedition with his friend Paul Winder when captured.
They experienced a horrific kidnapping ordeal and were both threatened with being beheaded. During this dark passage, in order to stay sane, Tom spent his time j…
How Do You View Your Debt?
How Do You View Your Debt?
Are you loaded down with debt? Do you feel like there is no way out? Have you ever thought that how you view debt might be the problem?
Every aspect of your life, at some point, you wanted. You say “I didn’t want the debt”, but you wanted the thing that came along with the debt, or whatever you exchanged for the debt; maybe it was a house, the car or the car repairs, the clothes.
Debt was just a way to live a certain dream – a means to an…