Declining American Dollar Damages Foreign Policy

Saudi Arabia and the United States have been friends for some time. To the average public within the country most Americans view Saudi Arabia as sponsors of terror citing the countries Muslim background. However, Saudi Arabia regularly supports the United States and has done so again in the last round of OPEC meetings.

Venezuela and Iran wanted to open discussions about valuing oil against a new currency standard then the dollar. They were hoping the move would be symbolic…

What A #2 America Will Look Like?

Around the year of 2015 American’s world as they currently know it will changes dramatically. To think about the concept of becoming #2 in the world makes people’s hair stand up on their back of their necks. The confidence of the Country is going to be shattered and a new psychological outlook will emerge. What will the country look like?

The Economics of #2:

A country in the #2 position has a marked disadvantage in terms of its ability to obtain advantageous trade agre…

Drug Trade Accounts for Forty Percent of the Afghan Economy

Yet, what does this say about our world, where such an obscene industry can thrive? It’s not just the growers and traffickers that are contributing to the problems, but the users of the end product. Those users ultimately feed the entire industry’s cash flow.

Healing Anger and Violence in Our Society

I have counseled individuals, couples, families and business partners for the past 35 years and authored eight published books. All this experience has resulted in the development of a profound six-step healing process, called Inner Bonding, which anyone can learn and use throughout the day (FREE course available – see resource box).

Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 1)

The following is the most comprehensive ever explanation to the most mysterious phenomenon of Capitalism – the Business Cycles. In order to ensure that the article can be read by any well educated reader, I have minimized the economics jargon and have added a short and simple introduction to the structure of the economy. Each and every one of us would be interested to know as to why we cannot have a paradise on earth. Why is it that we are often besieged by such painful downs…

Market Failures And Business Cycles (Part 2)

Continued from Part 1 ….

Something reverse can happen which would be even more damaging than the just discussed case. Instead of Consumption growing at a faster rate than Savings, it might so happen that Savings and Investment grow at a much faster rate than Consumption. For example, prior to Great Depression, the importance of aggregate demand as explained by Keynes was not understood. As a result government policies normally favored huge Investments and were not geared…

Is this India’s finest hour?

Travelling around India this month, in blinding contrast to the evident levels of stark poverty that can be seen in a great number of its citizens, something in the air tells one that India is pulsing with energy for change. For throughout the next half a century India will be seen to emerge as one of the worlds most successful economies and will rightfully seat itself as a new world power.

The Shift In The Economy

Many of the jobs in President Bush’s “recovery” are low-wage, low-benefit service and retail jobs. The overall growth in jobs masks a harsher reality for families trying to maintain or build a middle class standard of living.

Key among them: debt coupled with paycheck paralysis.

Most people coming out of college with or without a degree are starting life off with about $20,000 in debt trying to get a degree.

Then they try to support themselves on low wages after gett…