Burgers, Fries And Ignorant Politics: Does Democracy Need An Overhaul?
America has become a confusing place for many people who are trying to decipher through the mess of politics that is inherent in a huge country that touts democracy. The Critical Review’s (No. 1 Vol. 19) article Ignorance as a Starting Point: From Modest Epistemology to Realistic Political Theory states that a new elitist political paternalism may be necessary to counter the general ignorance of the population. In other words, brighter minds need to make decisions for people….
Joe Arpaio For President
Unless you live in Arizona there is a good chance you have never heard of Joe. He is a sheriff in Arizona. He was recently re-elected to his position in Maricopa County. Why do I think he should be President? Because he is actually trying to make a difference. He doesn’t care if he is pleasing everybody, he is trying to please the good citizens of his county and punish the bad ones.
Joe is not your typical politician. Technically he is a politician because he needs to be v…
Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban
Thanks to a mid term election win the Democrats now control both houses of congress for the first time in 12 years, but will they try to reverse the online casino ban and if they do will they be successful.
Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban
Thanks to a mid term election win the Democrats now control both houses of congress for the first time in 12 years, but will they try to reverse the online casino ban and if they do will they be successful.
Will the Democrats be able to Reverse the Online Gambling Ban
Thanks to a mid term election win the Democrats now control both houses of congress for the first time in 12 years, but will they try to reverse the online casino ban and if they do will they be successful.