E-marketing Basics: Pro And Cons Of Hour Targeting

One of the main advantages of advanced internet technologies is the possibility of hour targeting for ads served to web sites.

Exactly how such targeting is done, that is a tech issue far beyond our e-Marketing topic. What is important to us, e-Marketers, is to be aware of this facility web servers have and use it towards making online campaigns more efficient.

Hour targeting is especially useful when:

– we already know the online buying habits of our target;
– we w…

Multi-Channel Retail – Plan For Success

The maturation of multi-channel commerce

More and more retailers are realizing the benefits of multi-channel retailing. Leveraging brand equity in multiple touchpoints has been proven to drive loyalty and interaction among consumers. With trends clearly showing the Internet as the core component to pre-purchase research, brick and mortar brands can ill-afford to take a wait and see approach as it relates to core multi-channel offerings.

Three core enhancements must be e…

Blogs, Podcasting, And RSS Within Ecommerce

You probably have heard all these terms an awful lot lately. You wonder about what these technologies do? What value to they provide? If you aren’t up to speed on these new applications and how they are impacting retail online interaction then read this brief further.

Will these technologies impact you? To be honest, it’s too early to tell – but awareness drives innovation and maybe your team will develop an idea/application that truly changes a portion of your eCommerce b…

Daily Chores Win More Business

Everyone has chores to do whether it is at home or at your place of business. But did you know that the chores you set for yourself will actually help you gain more business?