4 Steps to Help Heal a Broken Heart

This article offers tips on how to move past a bad relationship. Though a broken heart is hard to deal with, moving on with life is essential for healing. Broken hearts take time to be mended.

The Rebound: An Emotional Hazard

This article offers reasons why dating on the rebound is hardly ever a good idea. The best thing to do when getting over an ex is to take time to yourself to heal and become an individual person again.

Practice Makes Perfect – But What Are You Practicing

Uncover the sectrets of the champions to help you achieve your goals in life. You must be careful about what you focus on when you are chasing down your goal. This article shows you what the champions focus on as opposed to everyone else

Great Expectations?

We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives but it also represents what we are willing to settle for. Expectation is a very powerful emotion and one that very few people ever learn to fully cultivate.

Your Vibrational Meter

You have within you a vibrational meter that tells you what is good and what is not good for you. That meter is your emotions.

9 Secrets For Stress-Free Living

In this featured article we’ll teach you how to emotionally de-clutter your life and magnetically pull the things you want closer to you.

Controlling Your Emotions Through Hypnosis

Does your entire life seems to be run by the way you feel? When you feel great doesn’t it feel like you can achieve anything? When you feel down, depressed or negative don’t you feel like nothing is worth the effort and even if it were you would probably fail anyway? But, what do you think you could accomplish if you could control your emotional state and evoke any emotion you wanted?

Whining Your Way To Health, Happiness & Prosperity With EFT

It’s such a struggle having to be positive all the time.

Having a good attitude. Seeing the bright side to everything. Life’s hard enough as it is and when that becomes apparent, sometimes it really *is* right and proper to really express yourself.

You know, emotions build up. Or should I say, energies build up. And up. It is just like a pressure beginning to rise – hardly noticeable at first, then more and more. The pressure grows, the energy gets denser and tighter. …

Private Label Drinking Water: Pure Water as a Powerful Brand Builder

All firms need to establish a strong brand in order to effectively compete with and be distinguished from other companies similar to theirs.

A new and effective method of brand promotion, private label drinking water, is becoming very popular, particularly for small to medium sized companies.