Sadness Of Love
Click any website that talks of sadness of love. You will get moist eyes after some time. The quotes of some people about the sadness they feel after losing love are very emotionally shattering. Read on..
Psychic Attack: Spiritual Purification and Cord Cutting
Energy Stealers are everywhere! They are in your family, they are your friends and they are your co-workers. A more common name is a Psychic Vampire and we all know what vampires do! In this case the vampire is sucking our energy, depleting us and causing us to become unhealthy emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually. Spiritual purification and cord cutting are some tools that keep the vampires away!
Uncover Emotional Secrets and Live a Happier Life
The same system causes you problems when it creates inappropriate and unreasonable responses in your daily life in non-life threatening situations. Maybe your loved ones see your anger and it hurts them or your relationship to them. Perhaps you experience other consequences that would have been averted had you greater control over your emotional brain.
To Know is To Not Know
Setting aside judgement sets aside what you believe you already know. Doing this creates room for new possibilities, wisdom, experience, and benefits to occur. Take a closer look.