Organizing Family Discoveries

It’s great when the family gets together, but you know that it’ll be much greater if all family members can get to know each other and share the family history. Much interest had been given to genealogic researches in the past years, but still, the most common form of genealogic research remains to be the family tree and its branching out. A family tree is a cinch to make if you intend to include only members of your immediate family (parents, sibling, grandparents, uncles, a…

Employee Burn Out Prevention

Employees who are motivated are the assets, even secret to the success of successful companies. However, these employees aren’t robot nor machines. They can feel pressure, be overwhelmed, or even worse, be burned-out. Recognizing and preventing symptoms of burn-out will save your company and your employees from self-destruction. Organizational psychologist David Javitch, PhD, names the most common signs of burn-out. According to him, the most telltale signs of burn-out includ…

Stop the revolving door of employee turnover

Stop the revolving door of employee turnover: Employee assessment tools have advanced so companies can now more effectively identify, select, and retain top performing employees