Employee Motivation: Key To Company Success

Picture this: You’re the owner of a seat manufacturing company that produces seating for wheelchairs, auditoriums, and cars. You have approximately 100 employees, 90 percent of which are upholsters, sewers, gluers, and material cutters. The other 10 percent are office staff. Basically, you have a diverse group of employees, each with different jobs, concerns, and needs. The big question is: How do you motivate all of these people?

Treat your employees well and your company…

The Theory Of Motivation In The Workplace

Let’s face it: not many of us like getting up in the morning to face the long day of work ahead. However, every working person still does this for his or her own personal reasons. These reasons make up a theory of motivation for going to work.

Most people do not work merely for the fun of it. Chances are, there is an underlying reason or reasons that drive the person to put the effort forth. Some key reasons that motivate individuals to work are:
