Nine Tips for Cracking the Personality Code

Personality assessments can help you hire effectively, manage employees better and deal with difficult people. To help you screen personality tests and testing companies, this nine-point checklist from the book Cracking the Personality Code can help you review assessment tools and support.

Is Negativity Worth Reward And Recognition

Project Management is a Cinderella occupation. Nick Garratt knows this only too well. He has to use not only his planning and organizational skills to keep the team of engineers and technicians on timetable, he also has to be the bearer of bad news and the motivator, all in one package. To top it all, the stars of the project are always the designers and the demonstrators. They inevitably receive most of the limelight and are usually first in line for plaudits.

When is it …

Industrial Psychology And Recognition

In his job as an accountant, Anthony Stirling felt that the monetary rewards for his job were as good as he could expect. What he found difficult to understand was the feeling of lack of worth that turning up every Monday morning gave him. The office was highly efficient but people very rarely seemed to have time to talk to each other and his boss was a distant figure who barely knew his name.

The reason why individuals, like Anthony, need recognition, other than money, to…

How To Write A Startup Business Plan

Why Do I Need A Business Plan?

Why do you need to write a business plan? There are a number of reasons. Writing a plan dramatically increases your chances of success as an entrepreneur.

Here are just a few reasons why you would want to write a business plan.

1. Evaluating initial startup costs.
2. Determining what it will take to make a profit.
3. Analyzing your competition and it’s success and failures (which you can capitalize on)
4. Well defined rolls of all pe…

How to Use Assessments to Hire Effectively

According to the research in my book Cracking the Personality Code, today there are around 2,500 cognitive and personality tests on the market. So how do you decide which one to use?

Formal Recognition Ceremony Has Its Place

Louise Erdmann felt like Gwyneth Paltrow at the Oscar ceremony. She had only been with her current company for a few months but here she stood, at the Christmas Party, receiving a reward for being the “Best Newcomer of the Year” and fighting back the tears. The awards were partly serious and mostly light-hearted but, for some reason, it meant a lot more than getting a 2+ in your appraisal.

Research has uncovered the fascinating fact that recognition is the number one motiv…

Does Recognition Get You In A State?

Like most managers, Brian Reynolds believed that his team had its strengths and its weaknesses. When asked in an employee satisfaction survey “Do you recognize good performance in your team?” he answered with a resounding “Of course I do!” However the following question stumped him. “How frequently do you make a point of recognizing good performance face-to-face?” His answer had to be “Never”. “Surely they already know they are performing well? What would be the point of me a…

Can A Reward Be A Sin?

To be motivational, reward and recognition must be appropriate in the eye of the receiver. Tickets for the big game are fine if you enjoy sport. If you don’t enjoy sport but you would like the value of the tickets to spend on something else instead, your reward just turned into another task; selling the tickets. Although they may be easy to sell on to someone else, the motivational edge has been diminished slightly.

Background Checks – How They Can Help Your Business

How important is a background check? There are many employers today who are turning to employee screening to make sure they get the best employees possible. If you’re not sure that background checks are the right choice for your business, here are a few of the main benefits that may change your mind.