What the Trend in Online Databases Means to the Employment Screening Industry

The most prominent trend in the employment screening industry has been a proliferation of online databases offering cheap background checks. Any one can access the internet and with a quick search be able to purchase, for example, criminal records for a low fee. While that is very appealing to companies looking to trim the budget on background checks, it may in fact be a dangerous trend.

Still waiting on your background Checks

Background checks of an employee is a critical aspect of the recruitment process. All companies outsource the background checks of their employees to external agencies. Now let us understand why background checks are important. The primary reason why background checks are important is to check the past employment records of the prospective employee, education verification and to check whether the employee has been involved in any unlawful activities. Social security number checks are also done b

Critical Guidelines You Need to Know Before Hiring Anyone

We don’t like to think about people doing harm to ourselves or others. The reality, however, is that we live in a country with one of the highest rates of financial crimes, including embezzlement, fraud, theft, etc. And, that’s just the beginning.