Change: The Other Dirty Word
What comes to mind when you hear the word change? Are you fearful? Excited? Does you blood run cold or do you hear yourself saying, “I like things just the way they are.” Is “change”, the other dirty word?
Most of us find change hard; Not necessarily because we do not want to change, but because it is sailing into the unknown. Who knows what is going to be around the next bend in the road? We are most likely to rail against changes that are going to have an adverse effect …
Empowerment Through Choice
What is the one thing that will always make you feel empowered?
It is the ability to make a choice. The problem is that we often forget that there is a choice in absolutely everything. Even if external circumstances prevent us from doing what we prefer, we have a choice in how we are going to approach the situation. We have control over our attitude, thoughts and feelings.
Being “Stuck”
I often hear people talk about being “stuck” at their jobs. When asked why they d…
Learning Kindness From Anne Frank
It’s difficult for me to imagine living in fear everyday the way Anne Frank did, and still find a way to be happy and display kindness and joy the way she did. Anne was a Jewish girl born in Germany who wrote a diary while in hiding with her family and four friends in Amsterdam during the German occupation of the Netherlands. After living for 2 years in hiding, she and her group were betrayed and the Germans removed them to concentration camps where Anne Frank died 7 months …
The Lazy Way To Remember Self Improvement
One of the biggest problems that people have with their self improvement efforts is simply that they forget to practice whatever techniques they are supposed to be practicing in order to improve their lives.
The truth of the matter is that you are so used to living your life in a certain way that you often forget to take the appropriate measures to effect long-term positive changes.
Back before the days of computer-generated task lists and automated telephone reminders,…
The Most Powerful Word – No!
In our society the default answer to nearly every question is “Yes.” Advertising is all geared towards getting us to say “Yes – I need that.” We phrase our inquiries looking for yes: “Would you like more coffee?” “Would you be interested in joining me for dinner?” “Would you help me move next week?” “Would you mind if I asked you a personal question?” “Do you love me?” With such a powerful default answer ingrained in us it can be very difficult to say anything else – often le…
The True Meaning Of Nobility
My oldest son and I watched a movie from his great collection “Robin Hood Prince of Thieves.” There is a great quote in the movie which I was eager to use this week where Kevin Costner playing Robin Hood says, “Nobility is not a birth-right; it is defined by one’s actions.”
The term “Nobility” refers to people who were “known” or “notable” and the word was applied to the highest social classes in medieval times. One had to be born into families of the upper classes to be c…
Time Management: Where Does Our Time Go?
Time management is a big concern for a lot of people. I keep hearing, “There are just not enough hours in the day…” or “Where does my time go?” Face it we all live busy lives. Work, family, and other commitments keep us all hopping. To utilize better time management, it’s important to recognize what the specific problems are. Is it not having enough time for you or your family? Do you feel that you are wasting time by excessive driving? Maybe you are not sure where all your t…
Understanding The Supermom Trap
What is it in moms’ that makes us feel we have to take on the SuperMom identity? What makes us put on that cape?
If you talk to working mothers that you know, or even examine your own experiences, falling into the SuperMom trap is common. We all know SuperMom…faster than the microwave, more powerful than steel wool, able to fold laundry in a single bound. SuperMoms’ scare away the monsters under the bed, creates wonderful family meals, as she works, runs a business, or…
What Can You Say “Yes!” To?
I recently made a commitment to a 21-day community phone-based meditation. I was a little concerned about making this commitment as the call was at 7am – a bit early for me. But I was excited about the meditation I’d experienced and was looking forward to joining the meditation community that was being created.
So I jumped right in and began my 6:30am wake up time and 7am meditation. What I quickly remembered was that this was one of the things that I *hated* about working…
Why Complaining Knocks You Off The Cliff To A Horrid Death
Are you constantly griping? Looking at the bad side of things ultimately makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy: everything goes rotten!
Rememer, you are what you think you are.
Instead of complaining about what you lack, cultivate and appreciate what you do have. Nurturing your attitude so you become a positive person, and appreciating who you are based on your capabilities, will create a positive outcome. Your trip to success depends on the decisions you make. Your task …