Your Inner Wizard

Over the last month I’ve been doing a lot of work to clarify my business ideas and practices. In the process I stumbled across (or rather was led by my own coach to) this idea of the “inner wizard”. For me the inner wizard is the idea that we all have a little magical ability inside us that we can tap into at any time. Several years ago my friend Serena remarked to me “Magic is the art of conceiving of reality differently in such a way that it comes to pass.” This quote immed…


It is my personal opinion that there are two words that are the driving force behind your personally achieving your ultimate outcome and your WHY in Life. These two words are the most powerful words that you can and will ever speak to yourself about any situation – “CAN” and “CAN’T”

Harness the Power of Skill Sets and Mindsets

Sometimes when you wrestle with problems, you might not see an immediate solution and you struggle to find one. After a while, you might give up completely, thinking that it is impossible to find a solution for that particular problem. At that moment, the idea that you might simply need new skills or knowledge to overcome the difficulty can be very empowering.

5 Great Tips to Handle Stress

In this hectic time, people lead an increasingly stressful life. Prolonged stress is such a powerful and harmful force that it is vital that you learn effective stress management techniques to live a successful, happy, and healthy life.

Inspired For Women

Women are unique and powerful beings in this world when wielding the truth of the heart wisdom that lives deep within. This article is a testament and tribute honoring women and calls forth more of the brilliance they have to offer the world.

Your Mediocre Mind

Do you falsely identify yourself with the trappings of your mind and all of its mental activity? Here is an insight that will challenge that perspective, offering more freedom in your life.