Be Kind To Yourself And Others

Kindness is a generosity of spirit. It comes to life when we give of ourselves and our time to be of help to others, without expecting anything in return. When you show kindness to somebody you bring out the best in yourself, and a side-effect of brightening up somebody else’s day is to feel happier in the moment yourself.

Pay attention to the impact your behaviour has on others, and notice your own feelings in association to their reactions. And think about how you feel y…

Digging For Gold

When I was a young boy in Santa Cruz, California I used to help my grandfather in the fields by his home. This was not his land but back in those days it was not unusual to barter with the neighbors to work it for them so he could grow the vegetables that he loved. He would then share them with the neighbor for payment. He grew corn, beans, peas, zucchini, cucumbers and garlic. And nobody could grow bigger dahlias than my grandfather.

As I worked along side him he used to …

Free From Me

After all we’d been through, taking my husband back was the easy part. Rebuilding trust was so much harder.

In January 2005 my husband and I reconciled.

I told myself that I would never take him back if he cheated again, especially if he got her pregnant.

But to tell the truth, I have learned to never say never.

Especially when God has the final say.

I remember telling my mother-in-law that the chapter of my life with her son was over and that I was closing tha…

From Pain To Purpose

In March 2006 my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. This could not have happened without the Lord, my Pastors and my faith. The faith to start over, faith to be open, faith to be willing to allow the Lord to work through me and use me to help encourage and inspire other women.

On April 28, 2004 I thought I would literally lose my mind. Riding in the back of the ambulance the next day, I knew I would not survive. The situation had the best of me. “Just give up” …

Gone Too Soon – Kids Murdered In A Senseless Rage

It’s been over 4 yrs since Daniel (age 12) and Chante (8) were snatched from our lives.

Gone too soon…. I still can’t believe they are gone. What happened to them only happens to other people, or on the news. It’s never ever so close, never so real. This time the news was personal. It was too real.

It was Memorial Day 2002. We had gone to Delaware to visit family for the holidays. I rose early that morning at about 3am, woke my husband up and said, “Boo, I don’t feel ri…

Letting Go Of Mr. J.

Meet Mr. J., a grade school librarian. Over the years, many students came through the halls of this particular school and they all adored Mr. J. He had a way with children by knowing each student by his/her name and making all of them feel special. It was not unusual to walk past the library and see a group of students huddled around his desk sharing their day with him.

Mr. J. was not only the school Librarian, but also the leader of an esteemed organization called the “6t…

The Struggle

What do butterflies have in common with the human spirit? Meet Maggie, a middle aged wife and mother who was about to find out.

Maggie wasn’t rich like a millionaire or poor in a manner of being homeless. She was living an average comfortable life. It was made even better when a beautiful baby girl came her way. She and her husband made sure their daughter had her needs met and they were still able to take a yearly vacation by the beach.

Maggie was a partner in her hu…

Where Would You Look?

Recently I have been reminiscing about my grandfather and all of the lessons he taught me. The funny thing is, I don’t even think he was aware that he was doing it. It wasn’t until much later in life that I became aware of what was being taught.

For instance, one warm day in Santa Cruz, California, I was helping him out in the fields near his property. With the neighbor’s permission, his plan was to expand the size of his field and add more crops. Back then a handshake and…


There’s a song which has dominated my attention for the past couple of weeks. From the first time I heard it, I began to play it so many times I’ve lost count. I think it’s a beautiful song, of course, but there’s so much more to it than that. It’s a simple, quiet song with two voices and an acoustic guitar. I really want to suggest it not as a song, but as a prayer–a prayerful preparation for a conversation with our Heavenly Father.

Here I Am (Gulp!), Lord!

“Here I am, Lord
Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go, Lord
If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart”

A few years ago my dear friend, Robbie, gave me new insight into the significance of this song. We must have been singing it in a service and I told her how much I liked it. She said something like, “But have you ever thought about what you’re saying when you sing this song?”

And, therein, lies the beginning of another journey with the Lord…