Finding A Career In Architecture

Anyone who is talented in design, imagining how a house or building could be constructed or who likes to draw may have the talent to find a successful career in architecture. An architect is responsible for designing and planning the interior workings and foundation of a home or building.

Finding Industrial And Technical Buyers On-line

Internet marketing strategies for manufacturers and industrial suppliers are essential for generation of more sales and increase marketing ROI. These can be achieved primarily through aggressive advertising and product promotion.

Precision Engineers: Endangered Species?

Precision Engineers are a dying breed, with fewer and fewer people going into engineering in the UK and other time served engineers leaving the industry to do something else. There will be a serious shortage of engineers in the not too distant future unless the problem is addressed sooner rather than later.

How To Write Profitable Industrial and Technical Product Media Releases

Writing effective technical and industrial product press releases for online media sources can significantly increase your Web site’s exposure. The headline of a press release is directly responsible for 50% off its success or failure. You should submit your press release to the many free PR distribution sites available. Your press releases should always include a sub-headline.