Teach Employees “Why” and not just How”

In spite of their best efforts, errors can occur that create problems for the customer, and for the company. Ongoing training classes should be structured with dedicated resources to provide the training needed. Teach employees “why” and not just “how”.

Lenders Do Not Really Trust You

Whether you are selling or buying a home, you should always go through an escrow period. Part of the process involves the establishment of a lender account since they do not trust you.

Understanding Escrow

When we talk about escrow as it relates to mortgages and real estate we are actually talking about two different topics that concern home buyers: the closing of the sale on a house (referred to as escrow) and the mortgage escrow account (a fund set aside for on-going expenses while the lender holds the note on your house). Let’s take a brief look at both of these concepts so you can be better prepared when you decide to buy your first home and take on a mortgage.

Who Is Responsible For Closing Costs

Buying or selling a home is a euphoric experience for both of the parties involved. This euphoria can cool when you learn which party is responsible for the closing costs.

An Overview of the Escrow Account

Whether buying or selling real estate, you will inevitably deal with an escrow account. If you are not familiar with an escrow account, here is an overview.