Is Your Special Needs Child Included in Your Estate Plan?

You have undoubtedly made provisions for how your beneficiaries or guardians will handle your finances in the event of your death or disability. You’ve appointed a guardian for your young children and you’ve outlined instructions for how to handle your child’s education, finances and other expenses. Sure, you have a plan in place to provide for your child – but have you thought about special provisions for your Special Needs Child?

How can an estate plan help me?

Do you know how your life will be divided after your death? Who will

your estate go to? Who will look after your children? With an estate

plan you decide. You are in control of your family’s security in the

event that something tragic should happen.

Why You Need a Virtual Safety Deposit Box

Advances in information technology, paired with recent weather-related disasters and a growing awareness of the need for access to vital documents has lead to the creation of a new solution designed to protect your most important documents: a virtual safety deposit box.