Choosing A Theme For Your Next Event

One important aspect of event planning is choosing a theme for your party or gathering. Unless you are planning a wedding or a baby shower, the theme might not be obvious. The theme can be anything you choose, but it’s important to remember your guests’ comfort and therefore plan with that in mind. It’s wise to have a theme that all guests can easily adapt to. Having to go out and purchase a new outfit or rent an elaborate costume is a burden for some people, and attending an…

Video And Meeting Presentation Tips For Newbies

I’m an A-V Geek, and for thirty years, I’ve sweated the big and small stuff as a producer of meetings, conferences, and sales rallies. During that time I have developed a checklist of five special “secrets” I use to insure that the meeting media will go right. Go right?

You see, the customer has paid big bucks for the video or multimedia piece that will help the crowd shake off the cobwebs (or hangovers) and get focused on the goals, spirit and business of the meeting. I …

Corporate Event Planning 101- Making Your Trade Show A Huge Success

The key to the success of any corporate event includes effective planning and organization and setting an appropriate budget. In addition, you must include personalized promotional items, effective banners, and unique giveaways while effectively marketing to prospective customers and clients.

Should I Hire A Caterer

If you are planning a party, food is probably tops on your priority list. Here is some information to help you decid if you should hire a caterer.

Food Glorious Food

The most enjoyable events are often those in which the food is divine. Oliver Twist said, “Please Sir, can I have some more?” And although it is doubtful that you will be serving gruel at your next catered event, you’ll want your guests feeling pleased.