Motivation is Consistency in Action
We all exercise for the results. Different results or outcomes vary from weight loss, athletic performance, endurance, strength, toning, to more flexibility. Here are 10 tips for motivation and consistency to get results and achieve your goals.
The Observation Cycle-You Get More of What You Are Observing
In your observation of what you don’t want, in that moment, you are giving it attention, energy and focus, thus attracting more of it. Just by observing it, you are offering a matching vibration to it. And Law of Attraction which is obedient in every moment, will unfold more of that vibrational match into your life.
13 Great Tips To Stamp Out Loneliness
This article views how you feel about yourself as contributing to feelings of loneliness and suggests ways of changing this position.
20 Tips For A Great Night’s Sleep
Getting a good night’s sleep helps us to be happier, more productive people, so here’s some tips to help you get a good night’s sleep:
1. Avoid drinking tea or coffee late at night
2. Stop smoking – nicotine is a stimulant and so can make it difficult to get to sleep and stay asleep
3. Go to bed at the same time each night so that you set a routine
4. Only use the bed for sleeping and sex
5. Use dimmers on your light switches, and dim the lights in the hours …
Brain Function and Exercise
Add better brain function to the list of benefits from exercise, according to the latest research. But which exercises help the most?
Don’t Take Any Time For Yourself!
We live in a BUSY world, people! We do not live in an era where you can kick back and enjoy your life, or reap the rewards of your hard work over the years. There is too much to do! No matter what happens, keep your nose to the grindstone, keep charging forward with everything that you’ve got, and never, EVER, take any time for yourself!
There are many responsibilities that each of us has, and just to make sure that we have our priorities straight, let’s go over some of th…
How To Stop Being The Average American!
Break Out of Your Box!
The average American lifestyle goes something like this: We drive to work in a box, we sit for 8 hours inside a box (affectionately referred to by some as a cubicle), we drive home in a box, then we sit in front of our box TV (and if we’re really doing well in life it’s actually more of a flat rectangle), we throw a box dinner in the microwave and then go hop in our box bed for sleep. This cycle continues day after day, week after week.
Some may …
Don’t Read This Article – I Dare You!
See? It worked! The title said ‘Don’t Read This Article – I Dare You!’, and here you are reading it anyway. Victory for me and my amazing psychic abilities?
Actually, this Maiden Voyage article of The Don’t Chronicles has but one goal: to teach you the power of negative thinking! No, I don’t mean that you should give up on your positive attitude. I mean that people don’t like to be told “DON’T!”
Think about it. Why did you read this article? Defiance? Curiosi…
Personal Health: Your Most Important Business A
Don’t let poor personal health rob you of your business. You can take steps today to take maintain or improve your well-being.
10 Hot Tips On How To Cope With The Prospect Of Redundancy.
This article suggests 10 ways to cope better with the prospect of redundancy.