Law Of Attraction: Expect What You Want

One of the most important steps in consciously using the Law of Attraction is learning to change our expectations. Why? Because the Universe delivers exactly what we expect to see. Our expectations are formed on the foundation of our existing beliefs.

If we believe ourselves to be lacking financially, we will expect to see a bigger proportion of bills than income – and the universe delivers. If we believe we are sick, overweight or weak, we expect to feel pain and fati…

The 3 P’s: Perfectionism, Procrastination, and Paralysis

Do you set your standards high, but always feel like you’ve failed? Learn about the 3 “P’s” and end the vicious cycle that keeps you stuck and ineffective. Perfectionism, procrastination, and paralysis – one often leads to the next, in a vicious cycle, especially on large, long-term projects with no clear deadlines. Let’s look at each part of this cycle, and explore some concrete steps that you can take to disrupt the cycle.

Don’t Forget to Dream

Sometimes we know that something has to change in our lives. That need often gives birth to a dream. Learn how to take the steps to bring that dream into reality.

Look Up! – The Power Of Expectations

“We will always tend to fulfill our own expectation of ourselves” – Brian Tracy

As we know, UP is a direction. More importantly, it is a direction that we want to go. The first step in moving UP is to set our sights beyond our current circumstances. Inherent in the definition of UP is that it never stops. There is always one more rung on the ladder, one more battle to fight, one more person to help, and one more analogy to make. So, wherever we are today, we have room to i…

Chairing A Meeting The Most effective Way

Meetings are very expensive. To count the true, collective cost of any meeting you need to add the cost of each person’s salary for the time they spend in the meeting, the cost of time which could be spent undertaking other tasks and the emotional cost of being part of a meeting especially if the only decision which gets made is the date of the next meeting.

Chairing an efficient, effective meeting is a skill – does yours need improving?

10 rules for chairing successful meetings.

ESCAPE the Holiday Productivity Blahs

It’s that time of year again: the time of holiday parties, Christmas cards to write, shopping to do (even online…at work!), vacations, family commitments, and more stress. There are ways that we as leaders can counteract all of the distractions and stress and help people be as productive now as at any time of the year.