Profiles of the Powerful: Advertising Exec Mary Austen

When you spend time with Mary Stengel Austen, you come away with one feeling. “That woman is affable.” After thinking it over, you might find other words which describe her: smart, realistic, enthusiastic, tough minded…

Profiles of the Powerful: Advertising Exec Steve Grasse

After an hour with Ed, you begin to understand the intensity of his personal passion. You begin to understand it but I have a feeling that, even after days and days of exposure to him, you probably wouldn’t get the whole picture.

The Email Alternative: Using An Extranet For Online Document Sharing

Why is an extranet better than email for sharing documents? The answer is simple: email is perfect for one-to-one communication, but not ideally suited for groups engaged in project collaboration.

Most e-mail programs provide little – if any – effective way to prioritize your messages and attachments. Everything arrives in the same place, in the order in which it was sent.

With an extranet, all project related documents are automatically captured within a folder dedicat…