5 Keys To Overcome Failure

Everyone hates to fail but what most people don’t realize is that failing is part of success. Anyone who has ever succeeded has failed many times. So, how do you overcome failure?

Here are 5 keys to overcoming failure.

1. Learn from your mistakes and failures.

How did you learn to ride a bike? The short answer: you fell off 100 times. Every time you make a mistake or fail, learn as much as you can from it so that you are better prepared next time.

Action Step: Wri…

Learn To Fail To “fail”!

We are all very good at making ourselves feel bad. We come by the habit honestly. Think back to learning to spell in grammar school. Our tests come back from the teacher with the errors marked with red checks. A quick review of our formative years probably shows much more attention was paid to our failures, and those times when we fell short of expectations, than to those times that we succeeded, or even excelled. Often, only the top achievers—the best athletes and the bright…

One Degree Between Success And Failure

What’s the difference between success and failure…?

One Degree!

Have you ever seen Tiger Woods play golf?

Tiger Woods knows the importance of one degree. Why?

Well, think about this for a moment.

What’s the difference between Tiger hitting a perfect straight shot and him hitting a shot that goes way off to the right?

You guessed it… One Degree.

One degree of difference in the angle of his club can mean hitting a perfect shot or hitting a shot that goes no…

Breaking Bad Habits Of Failure

Why is it that so many people fail to achieve success, when there is so much information showing them how to be successful? Find out how your habits influence the success or failure you achieve.

Should We Admit Failure?

Failure is something that none of us ever plans for but it is a part of the human condition. As we go through our lives there are few if any who have never experienced this phenomenon. So as we experience failure, how do we accept it and move on if we are unable to admit it?

Success Lessons From Soccer – How To Win or Lose In The Game Of Life

Soccer matches are all about scoring goals and being winners. As a result, soccer can hold up a mirror to life since many humans also want to achieve goals and to be winners in the game of life. There is much to be learned about life in general from soccer players, managers and commentators.

Think Success And You Will Have Success

The universe will give you health, if you learn to think in terms of health, not illness. You will have success if you think in terms of success, not failure. Everything you think about repeatedly will manifest one day or another. So why not think of what you want, instead of what you don’t want? In either way you will get what you asked for! So ask for good things by thinking of
good things.

What’s Your Excuse for Not Being Successful in Life?

Excuses! Excuses! When we fail to do something we are expected to do, we almost always have an excuse for it. However, if we analyze it closely, an excuse is a self-destructive alibi for having failed to do something, especially when it involves attaining a goal.