Trusting Abundance

How do we trust enough to trust abundance? It’s a koan or at least a dilemma. A few nights ago, a friend shared how he recently worked with his fears and limiting beliefs around money, trust, and abundance.

For six years he had been “at a loss”—literally, unable to figure out why he was living in poverty while everyone around him seemed to manifest abundance so easily. A few weeks ago, he decided to stop asking why and started to simply “walk the walk” of abundance. It sta…

When Does Your Belief Become The Truth?

Ever wondered why some people turn anything they touch into gold; while other people fail even before they attempt something?

Most people would simply call it luck; perhaps saying, “you’re just lucky.” And if they weren’t pleased with the outcome, it’s a “bummer.” You might hear, “well, try another time and it may work out.”

What do these statements tell us? They carry hints into the beliefs behind our thoughts. Obviously, it is presumed that we have no control of the o…

Effect Of Prayers On Our life

What are prayers? To pray means to convey a request to God. Those who believe that there is no God, can still pray to the higher power in who they have belief.

The Tao of Breathing

One of the impressions I have gained recently in speaking to Zen friends about practice is a certain attitude towards breathing in zazen. For the sake of brevity, and just for fun, I wish to refer to it as “samurai breathing”.

All Faith Needs Feet

Faith is a wonderful thing – and very necessary. There are, however, approaches that may look like faith but lead us in risky directions.

Change Your Mind; Change Your Luck

There is magic and mystery in the power of our mind, body, memories, and energy. Hear this perspective as I recall the power of these changes from earlier life memories and the power it brings to daily life – a radically changed life.

Learn how to motivate yourself

Motivation is not an accident or something that someone else can give you — you are the only one with the power to motivate you. Motivation cannot be an external force, it must come from within as the natural product of your desire to achieve something and your belief that you are capable to succeed at your goal

Only a Passing Glance

Many of today’s thinkers, scientists and physicists are beginning to express the view that the greatest discoveries going forward will be along spiritual lines. Here is a force which history now clearly teaches has been the greatest power in the development of mankind.