Don’t Pull Up The Seeds When You’ve Just Sown Them

All new ventures of goal-building follow a set pattern in which your initial euphoria is quickly replaced by lonely struggle. Don’t let this phase fool you into giving up as it does for so many. This article will show you how to treat this phase as an essential part of your success.

What To Do? Life’s Big Question

You’re at the crossroads again. You’ve made mistakes and now it is harder to choose. Fear has you in it’s grip, you don’t know which choice is best. Well, come and trust who you are and come back to your origins to discover your ability to choose powerfully.

Business And Life Success Secrets Of A Remarkable Woman

I have wanted to write this article for some time. It is about what some have called a remarkable woman. As a matter of fact, she was recently featured in a book by the same name, “Remarkable Woman” by Insight Publishing.

The businesswoman’s name is Dr. Devona Williams. She is the Founder and President/ Chief Executive Officer of a 16-year-old Performance Consulting Company Goeins-Williams Associates, Inc. Dr. Williams is an accomplished inspirational speaker, trainer and …

You Can Be A Faith Healer

You can learn-almost immediately-to minister healing by faith. Yes, you can learn to minister healing by faith almost immediately.

I believe that any believer can be a faith healer if they will just do what God says…if they will just act upon His word.

Some of my earliest experiences ministering healing by faith came in a denominational church where I was pastor. I gave an invitation in one of our services for those needing healing to come forward. Between twenty and …