Law Of Attraction And Running Your Own Race!
I usually get my inspiration as I’m driving when I cannot write it down, and as I drove this morning this thought came to me: RUN YOUR OWN RACE!
I remember reading a long time ago about how horses when they are racing don’t care about the other horses; they don’t look over to see what the next horse is doing. They are focused and they run their own race.
I found this quote while looking up ‘run your own race’:
“I raised you to be a thoroughbred. When thoroughbreds ru…
Learn To Build And Trust In Interdependent Relationships
Q. What happens when we feel the need to impress by trying to “do it all” ourselves? We let ego get in the way of reality, and subsequently place pressure on ourselves.
The result? We take on too much and end up making mistakes or failing to get things done “as and when expected.” In turn, we invite ridicule and judgment from ourselves, our friends and family, and our colleagues. The solution? To build relationships with those around us so to collectively share our skills…
The Real Meaning of Success
Countless people have achieved the goals they set out for themselves only to find that they feel unhappy inside more often than they thought possible. They wonder if there is supposed to be more to life than all those things, or if they just missed a secret somewhere along the line.
What Is Your Definition Of Success?
If we really want this success then we will set ourselves on fire. We won’t wait for spontaneous combustion.
How To Minimize Stress In Your Life
Every parent gets stressed. Its a part of life. How we deal with our stress will help shape the emotional health of our children. This article shows simple keys on how to deal with stress appropriately.
Balance your life
Writing is a solitary task.
Writing needs concentration and quiet.
Writing requires absolute commitment.
Are all there scary statements true?
What is more, is it possible to balance your writing career and family without turning yourself into a zombie?
Everything is feasible; I am the living example of it.
Do You Owe A Debt Of Thanks ?
Most of us have been fortunate to have not just one person but a whole team of teachers, coaches, and mentors who helped us grow and reach our potential. We should remember to thank those people again and again as we live the lives they helped us shape. Even more important we need to repay that debt — not to those individuals but to society. How is your debt? Have you paid it yet or are you still pretending it doesn’t exist?
How A Creation Box Can Work For You
I hosted a Creation Box building party at my home and each of us created a special box for our dreams and desires. I invite you to prepare your special Creation Box with your friends and family, and watch your desires come to you in ways you couldn’t have imagined.
Motivation By A Challenge
Many humans are motivated by the thought of doing something they or others think they cannot do. They don’t want to do what they already know they can do. They are also motivated, as one commentator on this article wisely mentioned, by success. Succeed and then the motivation will arrive in bucket loads.
Do You Know Why Bad Things Happen To Good People?
This is a question that most people grapple with from time to time and it has largely been on my mind this past week.