9 Secret Ways To Get Valuable Feedback From Your Customers

You can learn many things you didn’t know about your business by getting valuable feedback from your customers. Your customers may buy your main product just to get the free gifts. Your visitors may think it’s to hard to navigate through your web site.

By knowing this type of important information you can improve your web site, products/services, advertising, and marketing. Below are nine techniques you can use to get valuable feedback from your customers.

-Use surveys …

Appraisals: Learn How To Love Them

If you’re one of those managers who dreads the annual appraisal, this article is written specially for you. Just learn these 7 simple steps and you’ll become the biggest convert to appraisals.

Praise Matters

As a coach, someone helping people improve their performance for the benefit of both the individual and the organization, there are typically two types of feedback that you could provide on their performance at anytime. The most important and most overlooked is positive feedback which I call praise.


I like Simon, one of three judges on American Idol. I find his feedback refreshingly honest. And while his words startle me with their ego wounding potential, the traditional feel-good, let-you-down-easy, sugar-coated feedback is not much of a gift. It’s hard to tell someone they’re not good enough and their dreams are not going to happen, at least in this venue. But not telling them is no gift either. Some contestants rise to the challenges he throws at them. Some don’t. And, some can’t. Which one are you?

Finding A Good Ebay Seller And How To Spot The Bad Ones

EBay is possibly the largest online market place, with millions of transactions happening every day. You can find just about anything imaginable on eBay, from that toy you remember fondly from your childhood, to cars and houses. But along with this huge selection and resource there are dangers as well.

The core of the eBay experience is the auction concept where individual Sellers put items up for sale and Buyers can then bid on these items. Here in lies the danger. Who ar…

The Importance of Good Feedback

Just as pilots wouldn’t fly airplanes without the feedback of their instruments, business owners should not fly blind without good information when making important decisions. This article shows how to collect data through surveys and what to look for when coming up with a small, medium, or enterprise level feedback management solution.