How To Have Your Final Smoke Today – Forever

Take it from someone who has learnt how to stop smoking after 17 years; you have to make the decision to have your final smoke.

I wrote in a previous article about the necessity to get your mind right first when considering how to stop smoking. It is like anything in life, if you go at this uncommitted you will fail. It took me three months, maybe even longer to have my final smoke. When I first sat down and asked myself the ‘how do I stop smoking?’ question, I set in mot…

Why Final Smoke Will Fail You

Final Smoke is a completely safe and all natural product and program claiming you can quit smoking in just 7 days. As a smoker you are well aware of what it means to go cold turkey and what effect this has on your mind. You may have tried to quit cold turkey on more than one occasion and you know how incredibly difficult it can be. You know full well how long 7 days can be without a cigarette.

You know about patches, gum, hypnosis and every other treatment out there that p…